
Home » Brastech Subsea » Inspection


Brastech is a national reference in the inspection and repairs of drilling risers. With a high qualified technicians team and inspector accredited by ABENDI (Associação Brasileira de Ensaios Não Destrutivos e Inspeção - Brazilian Association of Non destructive essays and inspection), Brastech guarantees a service of excellence to their customers.

At the very beginning, the drilling riser components are identified and separated, to be stored in specific warehouses,ensuring a complete tracking of the components. Our main differential is the strong credibility in the market in performing strictly all the requests recommended by API Spec Q1 and by the customer, since the visual inspection, ME, passing through NDT, PM, gamagraphy (X-rays) and hardness, and finalizing with dimensional inspection.

The conclusion of the inspection is followed by the Data Book and by a recommendation report. That way, the customer invests only in the repair of the necessary items.


Head Office

Av. Nossa Senhora da Penha, 595, sala 1005 – Torre 1
Edifício Tiffany Center. Santa Lúcia
Vitória – ES – 29056-250.

Rio de Janeiro/RJ

Av. Paisagista José Silva de Azevedo Neto, 200
Bloco 6 - salas 334, 335 e 336 - Condomínio O2 Corporate & Offices.
Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 22775-056 (21) 4009 – 0900 /

SERVICES Rio das Ostras/RJ

Rod. Amaral Peixoto, KM 162 (ZEN), Rua Químico do Petróleo,
Lotes 7, 8, 9, 14 E 15 e Rua do Geólogo, Lotes 16, 17 E 18.
Mar Do Norte - Rio das Ostras - RJ - 28899-008 (22) 3321-0850 /

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